Phone (361) 249-7908
Holy Cross Orthodox Church
Corpus Christi, TX
History of Holy Cross Orthodox Church
In June of 2018, the Solis family began doing reader services in their home. Under the guidance of Fr. John Whiteford, the family began the readers services of Small Compline on Saturday evenings and Third and Sixth hours and the Typika on Sunday morning. The family continued to conduct readers services in their home throughout 2019, occasionally making pilgrimages to St. Jonah to worship with the larger body there.
In February of 2020, Fr. David Companik traveled to Corpus Christi and celebrated the first Divine Liturgy in the Solis family home. Then, in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Dunn family began joining the Solis Family in their home for the weekly readers services. Fr. David began coming to celebrate the Diving Liturgy more often and on June 14, 2020, the attendance for the Divine Liturgy was 36.
On September 26, 2020, Archbishop Peter blessed the official founding of the Holy Cross Orthodox Mission in Corpus Christi. Currently, we have three families and are exploring options for more space to facilitate church growth.